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Receiving restrictions

The Gulbene municipality grants cash prizes to athletes, teams and their coaches for outstanding achievements in sport.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    The Applicant must submit a certain application form (Annex 1) to the Gulbene Local Government Sport Commission no later than December 15 of the current year.

  2. Service Processing
    The application for the award of a cash prize is considered and the decision on the award of a cash prize or a substantiated refusal is taken by the Gulbene District Municipal Sports Committee within one month from the day the application was received. Sports fee The amount of the prize is determined in accordance with Annex 2 of the Regulations, evaluating the significance of the respective sporting events, the number of participating countries and the number of athletes or teams.

  3. Receipt of services
    Applicants will receive a response letter or an extract of the Sports Commission through the mail, in the case of a positive decision by the monetary prize amount is paid and the applicant indicated in the application of bank current account.